4th January

…Hydrangea quercifolia clump still with a full set of green leaves in January. It is not an evergreen and yet here, in a windy site, there is still little sign…

19th November

…Camellia sasanqua ‘Paradise Blush’ by Red Linney nearly full out. Camellia sasanqua ‘Paradise Blush’ Camellia sasanqua ‘Paradise Blush’ Acer palmatum ‘Chisio’ turning nicely from green to red. Acer palmatum ‘Chisio’…

3rd January

…when still green. Chaenomeles speciosa ‘Geisha Girl’ 2020 – CHW Flowers nearly out on Daphne bholua ‘Jacqueline Postill’. They have rushed on in a week. Daphne bholua ‘Jacqueline Postill’ I…

6th July

…on Brachychiton acerifolius. The evergreen Australian tree seems finally to be getting going. We had another which lived for a few years from 2018 but did nothing and eventually died….

14th August

…globosa Most of the later flowering scented rhododendrons have jettisoned their seed heads in the heat. These were green only a week ago. There will be little later flowering rhododendrons…

27th October

…at Canterbury Cathedral Queen’s Green Canopy Planting Ceremony at Canterbury Cathedral 20 October 2022 2021 – CHW Viburnum rhytidophyllum flowering out of season or secondary flowers? It should be out…

2nd November

…yellow. Enkianthus campanulatus ‘Victoria’ Enkianthus campanulatus ‘Red Bells’ has little colour left. Enkianthus campanulatus ‘Red Bells’ But Enkianthus campanulatus var hirtinervus is still fully green with unripe seed pods. Just…

RHS Savill Garden Pictures 2018

…very fine Rhododendron ‘Rose Elf’ Rhododendron ‘Rose Elf’ Jaimie now spied a green parrot eating the pollen or nectar in a Camellia x williamsii green parrot Rhododendron oreodoxa var fargesii…

1st November

…very late in the year. H. populnea was out ages ago. This is a borderline hardy plant with lots of green reversions but, when cut today in a vase, looks…

30th October

…It is an evergreen tree from Sichuan and Yunnan with similarities to the genus Persea. Its flowers are pale green or yellowish-green in panicles at the end of its branches…