14th December

…‘Repens Aurea’ is a new golden yew. A new introduction for next year’s catalogue and website I guess. Taxus baccata ‘Repens Aurea’ Taxus baccata ‘Repens Aurea’ Juniperus pingii ‘Hulsdonk Yellow’…

6th October

…put right). Euonymus clivicola Euonymus clivicola Magnolia megaphylla from Vietnam – very tender! Tom kindly gave us a rooted cutting. Gorgeous golden indumentum on the young stems and huge old…

29th March

…poet or two. The show is on April 4th. 1901 – JCW A heavy fall of snow, say three inches. 1899 – JCW Golden Bell, Emperor and Horsfieldii most of…

30th March

…‘Maya’ 2016 – CHW Rhododendron moupinense by the cashpoint has emerged unexpectedly from an overpowering podocarpus. You cannot say it is flowering early and no earlier than the Rhododendron ‘Golden

29th December

…of the Sutchuenense hybrids, bits of Yellow Hammer and Golden Oriole and Moupinense. Hamamelis only beginning. Camellia Double white been out 2 weeks and the first J.C.W bud (opening) picked…

31st March

…Memory’ Narcissus ‘Astro Pink’ below White Stiles. Narcissus ‘Astro Pink’ Magnolia ‘Gold Cup’ above the kennels. Not very golden really as I have commented before. Magnolia ‘Gold Cup’ Magnolia ‘Gold…

18th August

…udensis ‘Golden Sunshine’ growing side by side. Elaeagnus ‘Quicksilver’ Huge clumps of Rhododendron ponticum cut back from beside The Cottage to make room for the scaffolding needed to reroof the…