12th July

…blue or pink. Reliable flowerer. Hydrangea ‘Ayesha’ Hydrangea ‘Love You Kiss’ – silly name but good variety. Hydrangea ‘Love You Kiss’ Hydrangea ‘Selina’ – not much in the trade now…

1st April

…places. White and pink forms of Rhododendron siderophyllum White and pink forms of Rhododendron siderophyllum Another rhododendron species puzzle. Not on the planting records of course but the closest I…

19th May

…of flower. Halesia diptera Another decent Cornus x rutgersensis ‘Stellar Pink’ by Red Linney. Cornus x rutgersensis ‘Stellar Pink’ Camellia japonica ‘Juno’ still has enough flowers for a decent show…

28th December

…‘Lulu Belle’ First couple of flowers on the pink/red striped Camellia (?). It is not named on the plan! Camellia Although dead and ready for removal Eucryphia lucida ‘Pink Cloud’…

21st August

…the drought damage.Lapageria ‘Flesh Pink’ is out about a month earlier than usual. Lapageria ‘Flesh Pink’ Ditto the elderly Lapageria rosea beside it. Lapageria rosea A very drought ridden and…

27th April

…‘Touch of Pink’ Although the Michelia doltsopas are going over there are plenty of new ones breaking bud. ‘Touch of Pink’ is now magnificent and the three Magnolia laevifolias portend…

18th June

…formosanus var. hayatianus Catalpa bungei f. duclouxii, the China bean tree, is suddenly full out and very fine indeed. Catalpa bungei f. duclouxii Catalpa bungei f. duclouxii Magnolia obovata ‘Pink

18th May

…The big new clump of Rhododendron lindleyi is just out. Very pink in bud. Rhododendron lindleyi Rhododendron lindleyi This (unnamed) Mahonia species was a gift from Harvey Stephens / Savill…

21st April

Pink Form’ Rhododendron davidsonianum ‘Caerhays Pink Form’ The Magnolia sprengeri ‘Diva’ seedling pollarded in the Tin Garden only a year ago is responding well! Magnolia sprengeri ‘Diva’ seedling Magnolia sprengeri…

16th March

…Camellia x williamsii ‘Jovey Carlyon’ sporting pink flowers at Donkey Shoe. Camellia x williamsii ‘Jovey Carlyon’ 2023 – CHW Mahonia leschenaultii flowering here for the first time. Mahonia leschenaultii Mahonia…