25th December

…Azalea ‘Hinomayo’ The darker of the two original wild collected Camellia saluenensis has its first flower on Christmas Day. The paler form was out two and a half weeks ago….

1st October

…in flower cones. Cedrus atlantica ‘Glauca’ 2021 – CHW Early autumn colour on Stewartia x henryae.Magnolia ‘Cleopatra’ now has even more dark secondary flowers. Magnolia ‘Cleopatra’ A few secondary flowers…

27th March

…x Magnolia ‘Betty Jessel’ Magnolia ‘Darkest Purple’ x Magnolia ‘Betty Jessel’ Magnolia ‘Darkest Purple’ x Magnolia ‘Betty Jessel’ The first flowering of Magnolia ‘Toro’. Magnolia ‘Toro’ 2021 – CHW I…

24th December

…is a glorious dark red and much darker than the nearby Rhododendron nobleanum which is one of the parents in my father’s original cross. Rhododendron ‘Winter Intruder’ Rhododendron ‘Winter Intruder’…

13th October

…4-6 pairs equal at base, fruits dark orangeSorbus sargentiana – leaflets in 4-7 pairs with pale hairs below, fruits orange (not how the third picture shows the leaves)Sorbus wilsoniana –…

24th March

…have another plant with smaller darker leaves which looks more true to name. Schinus latifolius Not much further on with these dull plant puzzles. Nick left the following plants with…

20th June

…crassum The very late flowering Rhododendron ‘Mosers Maroon’ is still out. Great plant for crossing with its dark reddish flowers. Rhododendron ‘Mosers Maroon’ Rhododendron ‘Mosers Maroon’ The old Stewartia pseudocamellia…

9th October

…as it fades. Hydrangea pariscoleta ‘Kyushu’ Hydrangea pariscoleta ‘Kyushu’ Cornus kousa ‘Wendle Weeping’ has dark red fruits which are now falling off in the wind. Cornus kousa ‘Wendle Weeping’ Cornus…

22nd March

…date with the named selections and their parentage.Interesting to see The Rookery where the old oaks are and the Emmenopterys trees. I quite like the feel of the darkness under…

30th May

…(also from Millais) is not doing that well but a dark red. Rhododendron ‘Rabatz’ Rhododendron edgeworthii – pink form – one survivor from three planted by Georges Hut. Looks quite…