12th February

birds and especially flycatchers in summer. Clematis armandii 2016 – CHW Mum’s former birthday. She would have been 83 today. How time flies! It took two years to sort the…

17th January

…Camellia ‘Imbricata’ A small self-sown Camellia saluenensis seedling near a huge clump of Camellia sasanqua ‘Hugh Evans’ (above Rogers Quarry) is clearly an interesting little cross. It has grown up…

31st August

…bonus, albeit a small one! Rhododendron flavidum Just as the eucryphias have been universally late this year so the hoherias have very little flower as yet. Hoheria sextylosa ‘Pendula’ has…

20th January

…pink form of Rhododendron ‘Bo Peep’. Rhododendron ‘Bo Peep’ 2021 – CHW Storm Christoph has passed up by with little rain by comparison to the north and only minor gales….

29th January

…Rhododendron moupinense a little later than last year I think. Rhododendron moupinense Rhododendron moupinense Disaster with the Schefflera macrophylla which blew over in the gales. Fortunately only a few roots…

8th August

…leaf Rhododendrons in Higher Quarry Nursery. But help is at hand and Tim has the hosepipe on from the little used water tanks below the church. big leaf Rhododendrons big…

5th August

…February can strip the leaves occasionally but they soon reshoot with a little die back. The seed pods look impressive but, in our climate, no seed ever sets. This species…

7th August

…CHW Little in flower in the garden and Rhododendron ‘Polar Bear’ nearly over by Georges Hut.Quite a surprise above Hovel Cart Road with a magnolia showing a copious second flowering….

26th January

…and snow left. 8° frost – little damage. Camellias unabashed. 1940 – CW I returned after a cold spell when the pond frozen all over as 4 degrees of frost…

20th September

…on the A39. Hoheria sextylosa ‘Pendula’ Berries aplenty on Taxus baccata ‘Fastigiata’. Taxus baccata ‘Fastigiata’ The little Wollemi pine which has struggled to 10ft or so in 10 to 12…