11th November

…Certainly many more than last year and still untroubled by the birds. Cotoneaster franchetii Cotoneaster franchetii Cotoneaster franchetii Rhododendron nobleanum has sprung into flower on the drive. I think the…

10th November

‘Little Heath’ has flowers nearly out. Pieris A view across the top lake. top lake Phyllostachys edulis as a young plant in the new bamboo plantation. Phyllostachys edulis Thamnocalamus crassinodus…

9th November

…on Delavayi. There has been a little frost but fuchsias not hurt. A lot of rain in the last weeks. Some daffs coming up. Camellia sasanqua good. One flower of…

6th November

…but just time to catch a little more autumn colour at Burncoose.Sassafras albidum a lovely red in the till area even if a slug has had a bite or two….

5th November

…and grow more of this splendid species. Photinia beuvardiana var. notabilis Photinia beuvardiana var. notabilis Photinia beuvardiana var. notabilis An oak branch has hit our little new row of Camellia…

23rd October

…Planted 7 bulbs of GHJ’s 4957 by Front Gate (8 bulbs and stock). The weather has been bad all the month. Little gale damage to date. Bad year for horse…

4th November

…good, very little flower. Cassia good, lapagerias fair, roses several. 1907 – JCW One of the Jonquil King A crosses is up in the Tin Garden. Camellia sasanqua buds have…

3rd November

…which survived the gales. Magnolia denudata Magnolia denudata Surprisingly little damage so far but I have probably commented too soon! 2018 – CHW Another visit to Tregrehan on Thursday to…

30th June

…just out and perfect today but loads of bud to come. Manglietia insignis Manglietia insignis Manglietia insignis Magnolia sapaensis nearly out. Note the little leaflets at the tip of most…

30th August

…– CHW A fine display of Prunus laurocerasus berries below Slip Rail. The laurels are yellowish here near a huge fir tree where they bake in the sun with little