9th May

…never seen a flower. Rhododendron aperantum Azalea ‘Black Hawk’ at its finest but it needs cutting down to regenerate it. Azalea ‘Black Hawk’ The oldest plants of Rhododendron burmanicum which…

13th May

…FJW 1491 for Open Day. Fine – near drought conditions. 1960 – FJW Storms continue. Decorum x Orbiculare and Burmanicum x Dalhousiae have been very good. Laurel hedge behind Doltsopa…

14th March

…11050 Rhododendron baihuaense JN 11050 Rhododendron chrysodoron KW 28078 Rhododendron chrysodoron KW 28078 Rhododendron recurvoides Rhododendron recurvoides Rhododendron ‘Spinbur’ (Rhododendron spinuliferum x Rhododendron burmanicum) Rhododendron ‘Spinbur’ Aucuba himalaica var. dolichophylla…

30th November

…almost all over. Oleifera good. Hardly any rhododendrons show colour just Burmanicum and a very few bits. Erica medit a lot out, some darleyense. A few lapageria left. 1926 –…

8th May

…well advanced – a very early year. 1969 – FJW The garden nearing its peak. Burmanicum x cubettii at its best. 1964 – FJW Swallows flying about. Garden at near…

21st October

burmanicum (Rockery) zaleucum schlippenbachii fargesii albrechtii dichroanthum bureavii concatenans stamineum stenaulum discolor aberconwayi morii racemosum arboreum (three colours) delavayi falconeri cubitii praestansWe drew a blank with no seed pods on…

22nd October

…saligna 1982 – FJW Two flowers on smaller C williamsii in Big Quarry. 1957 – FJW Picked flowers Cam oleifera, 1 flower Burmanicum, Yellow Hammer good for a long time….

20th November

…– JCW Bits of the following rhodo show flowers – Decorum, Trichocladum, Radicans, Lutescens, Keysii, Intricatum, Burmanicum, Racemosum, Saluenensis, Parviflorum, Sanguineum. Lapagerias and Camellia sasanqua are nice. 1928 – JCW…

24th January

…Primulinum Hybrids Blood Red Arboreum x Thompsonii all well out Sutchenense x Arboreum “ “ Burmanicum x Moupiense “ “ Lutescens x Moupiense “ “ Also several bits of Azalea…