13th October

…website. 2018 – CHW Cotoneaster moupinensis with large black fruits. The first time we have seen these on a young plant. Cotoneaster moupinensis The seeds I photographed earlier on Sorbus…

6th April

…quickly in a dry week. Spraying around plants Bronzy new growth on Cotoneaster moupinensis. Cotoneaster moupinensis Prunus incisa is just starting into flower. Note the old pigeons’ nest at head…

27th October

…pots. Cephalotaxus fortunei A good tray of magnolia seedlings ready to pot on in the spring when still dormant. magnolia seedlings A good saleable crop of Euonymus moupinensis for the…

27th August

…not to be confused with our Vaccinium dondaldianum. Vaccinium dunalianum x caudatifolium (NMWJ 14558) Seed heads forming on Euonymus moupinensis (E. echinatus) – just a few and, like the flowers,…

10th January

…Camellia x williamsii ‘George Blandford’ Deer damage also to a small evergreen Euonymus moupinensis (now Euonymus echinatus apparently) given to us by Roy Lancaster. Nothing escapes a roe buck looking…

26th July

…thyrsiflora (now Ehretia acuminata apparently) with developed and serrated leaves which do seem a bit like the other species. Purple new growth as we have seen before. Cotoneaster moupinensis with…