19th November

…Camellia sasanqua ‘Paradise Blush’ by Red Linney nearly full out. Camellia sasanqua ‘Paradise Blush’ Camellia sasanqua ‘Paradise Blush’ Acer palmatum ‘Chisio’ turning nicely from green to red. Acer palmatum ‘Chisio’…

8th February

…of Viburnum betulifolium was still covered in red fruits which the birds and squirrels had left alone. Many had fallen to the ground and appeared to have been eaten by…

26th July

…introductions were never grown on and these species no longer (or never) existed/survived in our gardens under their original or any other name. Some have in fact been ‘rediscovered’ as…

25th February

…they open. Magnolia ‘Delia Williams’ where the flowers are more sheltered Magnolia ‘Delia Williams’ where the flowers are more sheltered Daphne bholua ‘Mary Rose’ is finally full out in the…

3rd August

…It appeared to have become a bakery and tearooms with a huge yurt. A few tired bedding plants and not much else at all. Took not a single photograph! 2020…

15th September

…from white to pink and then red. Weigela coraeensis Cotoneaster bullatus covered in berries which are already ripe by the KPK offices. Cotoneaster bullatus Cotoneaster bullatus Gigantic seed heads of…

23rd January

…The side stems and the main stems are suddenly leafless. This was not a very hardy form or clone compared to the one on the earth bank hedge at Burncoose;…

13th June

…prematurely in the drought and looked sick. It was late into leaf and I had feared that we might lost it but here we are restored to full health. Not…

2nd August

…in July? Odd. Loropetalum chinensis var. rubrum ‘Pearl’ Loropetalum chinensis var. rubrum ‘Pearl’ Indigofera howellii has a very dark pink flower – almost reddish. Indigofera howellii 2023 – CHW Quinces…

20th September

…is plastered in what are becoming yellow berries which will become pink tinged later on. Cotoneaster ‘Exburyensis’ Cotoneaster ‘Exburyensis’ The young Magnolia insignis which flowered so well in the summer…