13th October

big shortage. 1932 – JCW I came home from the north, a very favourable summer and it looks as if magnolias and rhododendrons have a fair lot of buds. Clematis…

28th October

…royalii yellow hybrid good by Donkey Shoe. Rho Yellow Hammer nice. Hardly a sign of Decorum or its hybrids. Mag officinalis fell down on 26th behind big Fastuosum Bamboo 51…

10th July

…although the layers are now too big to transplant. Just an extension of the clump in reality. Rhododendron ‘Harrow Hybrids’ Rhododendron ‘Harrow Hybrids’ Rhododendron ‘Harrow Hybrids’ Rhododendron ‘Harrow Hybrids’ Hydrangea…

7th November

…a big bed of Primula forrestii. 1920 – JCW Much as the above but it is even now a wonderful autumn. Camellia sasanqua is very nice on the small stable…

22nd October

…saligna 1982 – FJW Two flowers on smaller C williamsii in Big Quarry. 1957 – FJW Picked flowers Cam oleifera, 1 flower Burmanicum, Yellow Hammer good for a long time….

3rd November

…hybrid in Big Quarry out and some opened indoors a week ago. Taliensis beginning. Several odd bits of Rho and also Sasanqua good. 1946 – CW Several Camellia sasanqua out….

3rd April

…also blown over and left a big gap and the best of the two new Metasequoia glyptostroboides has had a direct hit and lost its top completely down to 10…

16th October

…3 big branches off the tall Insignis. 1924 – JCW I took a nice bunch of Hippophaeoides, Scintillans, Saluensis, Russatum x Primulinum to Wilson. C panniculata nice but not good….

15th October

…delavayi has several nice flowers open. Clematis panniculata is good. Camellia sasanqua starts. 1923 – JCW Very little flower bud on most rhodo’s. 3 big Argenteums dead. No camellias open….

24th December

…inspect the biggest Schefflera macrophylla. Some leaves dropping and all the seeds have shed from the flower stalk already. This really is a huge and impressive plant. Schefflera macrophylla Schefflera…