28th December

…used to feed the birds outside the School Room. Somehow this rather nasty weed has emerged from the last few years. The prickly seed heads are not yet ripe in…

25th June

…has sparse black berries. Cornus walteri Cornus walteri Cornus walteri Styrax japonica ‘Pink Chimes’ is a little further on with its dropping habit that tends to hide the flowers below…

27th December

…keeping them well away from where pheasants are fed. After two months of little success they appear to be hungry again and the move has worked. They will be breeding…

24th December

…now nearly full out (the smaller flowered form and a little later out). Camellia ‘Cornish Snow’ Camellia ‘Cornish Snow’ Catastrophe with a large beech tree falling into the young rhododendrons…

Visit to Tregrehan – 3rd November 2018

…pipiterum – purple leaved. A more mature plant than anything we have at home. The foliage has paled a little in autumn. Zanthoxylum pipiterum Autumn colour on Enkianthus serrulatus. Tom…

23rd December

…hot days of sun in that garden. 1919 – JCW Very little showing flower excepting H mollis and Rho mucronulatum, these are very good. 1913 – JCW Roses good, never…

22nd December

…Camellia ‘Fairy Blush’ Magnolia lancei (formally Michelia pachycarpa) is a proper evergreen and well away now even with a little storm damage. Magnolia lancei Magnolia lancei The end of our…

24th March

…was covered with a huge spray of Camellia x williamsii ‘Monica Dance’ which Arnold bred at Burncoose. 1993 – FJW Very little rain for 8 weeks – garden very early…

21st December

little later than last year but this needs checking. Camellia saluenensis Camellia saluenensis Still the odd flower on the elderly Camellia sasanquas along the castle wall. Camellia sasanquas First flowers…

19th December

…next week. 1904 – JCW No daffs show flowers yet, several on the move in the open and in the pans. A few coums open, a few lapageria, little else….