26th October

…‘Black and Blue’ Garrya elliptica ‘James Roof’ with tassel flowers which will be out before long. Garrya elliptica ‘James Roof’ Ripe seed heads for Asia on the Hedychium. Hedychium Medlar…

22nd October

…x williamsii ‘November Pink’ Camellia x williamsii ‘November Pink’ Amazing colours on Lagerstroemia limii which was a gift from James Garnett at Nantes botanical garden. Lagerstroemia limii Lagerstroemia limii Lagerstroemia…

23rd September

…of our several young trees or the record tree at Tregullow gardens. I should ask James Williams. Saxegothaea conspicua Saxegothaea conspicua Malus yunnanensis var. veitchii with one crab-apple only left…

21st January

…Another picture of the flooded water meadows. flooded water meadows More pictures of the completed and staked malus planting. completed and staked malus planting completed and staked malus planting James

9th June

…flowers after last year’s drought. Rhododendron nuttallii We agree with James MacEwan that these 3 young oaks above the greenhouse are indeed Lithocarpus hancei. Lithocarpus hancei Lithocarpus hancei Quercus morii….

11th September

…to control its own coastal waters. It was in commemoration of this that in 1740, James THOMPSON wrote ‘Rule Britannia’. It is a hymn of thanksgiving rather than a proclamation…

26th February

…wrong and Jaimie’s new creation is worthy of registration perhaps next spring. 2019 – CHW To Tregullow to look at large new planting areas with James Williams and then on…

23rd February

…just about out. Magnolia campbellii seedling A bit of prerecording for next week’s ‘spring has sprung’ announcement outside the back yard with James from Heligan and Onshore Media. A very…

22nd February

…years.A few days later James Garnett from SEVE Nantes, France, got in touch about their Magnolia martinii: […] here is a glimpse of what is happening in Nantes, our Magnolia…

April 2018 Irish trip ( Day 2)

…The son, James, has returned home to sort the garden and is getting stuck in with major storm and new clearance work after many years of neglect and no new…