2nd September

…twig tips. Now, however, one has to say that it has recovered into rude health. Magnolia dawsoniana Flower tassels well formed on Garrya elliptic ‘James Roof’. Garrya elliptic ‘James Roof’…

12th June

…food stalls. the bar 2021 – CHW The promised heatwave finally arrives.Garrya elliptica ‘James Roof’ is finally recovering from the February cold. Garrya elliptica ‘James Roof’ Jasminum beesianum full out…

9th September

…on Tresco with a youthful Tim Smit, Philip Macmillan-Browse and John Nelson (Heligan), Tony Hibbert (Trebah), Mike Nelhams (Tresco) and James Humphreys (Trewithen) present. Of these only James will be…

13th January

…know here. Meliosma rigida Still unfrosted Echium pininana and Garrya elliptica ‘James Roof’ in full flower. Echium pininana and Garrya elliptica ‘James Roof’ Garrya elliptica flowers in their full tasselated…

25th January

…Garrya elliptica ‘James Roof’. I wonder why? Garrya elliptica ‘James Roof’ Very frosted and dead young Echiums outside the Library window. Elsewhere the larger one year old plants just survive….

11th February

…elliptica ‘James Roof’ with plenty of flower tassels in the nursery. Our mature plant at Caerhays has none this year as we saw a few days ago. Garrya elliptica ‘James

30th September

…survived the blasting but here is Garrya elliptica ‘James Roof’ in fine fettle with flower tassels developing. Garrya elliptica ‘James Roof’ Euphorbia mellifera looked dead but with a chop back…

28th May

…Gardens representatives designed by James Turrell in 2015. Basically you look through a hole in the roof in the three phases of twilight which the eye and brain will see….

14th March

…– CHW Asia has started layering our rarer lapagerias in the greenhouse. This seems to be the only way of propagating these plants successfully. lapagerias James Williams from Tregullow sends…

7th March

…opening white. Planted three or four years ago. Rhododendron oreodoxa var. fargesii Rhododendron oreodoxa var. fargesii Rhododendron oreodoxa var. fargesii Garrya elliptica ‘James Roof’ was scorched to brown in the…