6th June

…and cretaceous periods of fossil history. A millions of years old plant survivor from the origins of evolution from mosses and algae. Looks tender (also dull)! Magnolia wilsonii Magnolia wilsonii

6th August

…fruits as well as this it may well prove to be an interesting new introduction for the catalogue. Cotoneaster wilsonii Cotoneaster wilsonii Also in the frames is Tetradium ruticarpum with…

3rd September

…ripe berries. Asia needs to collect them now before the pheasants find them. Cotoneaster wilsonii Cotoneaster wilsonii Cotoneaster thimphuensis just starting to turn yellow and far from ripe yet. Cotoneaster…

29th June

…add to our collection. Shrubby and suckering like Styrax wilsonii. Styrax limprichtii Styrax limprichtii Styrax limprichtii Squirrels have taken a liking to Tom’s Rehderodendron macrocarpum and done untold damage much…

6th July

…this was in flower elsewhere in the garden. I wonder why these three trees are so much later? Aesculus wilsonii Aesculus wilsonii The colouring on the new growth of Rhododendron…

21st November

…Styrax wilsonii Styrax wilsonii New water tanks installed above the greenhouse and at Tin Garden. Easy access to water for newly planted things in the next drought. When finished we…

21st September

…2023 – CHW Heavy rain and wind but it is still very warm. Loads of seeds on Styrax wilsonii this year. Styrax wilsonii Hoheria populnea ‘Variegata’ just out. Hoheria populnea…

April 2024 Ireland Trip (Day 3)

…a species which I knew. Rhododendron watsonii Rhododendron wilsonii (Rhododendron latoucheae) – a rare find in a superb garden. Rhododendron wilsonii Rhododendron wilsonii Camellia japonica ‘Willamina’ was still full of…

10th June

…odoratissimum in flower although not evergreen. Viburnum wilsonii Viburnum wilsonii The evergreen Syzygium smithii with its exceptional bronzy new growth. Myrtaceae family and known in New Zealand as the ‘monkey…

16th September

…most of the conkers are on younger regrowth. Aesculus wilsonii Aesculus wilsonii 2018 – CHW Rather more rose hips on Roy Lancaster’s wild collected Rosa filipes than last year. They…