21st November

…colchica Ilex colchica The new water tank at George’s Hut. new water tank at George’s Hut A single large white flower on an (unknown) evergreen azalea by George’s Hut. (unknown)…

6th August

…see its well underway. Castle Wood grass cutting finished 2023 – CHW Hydrangea video day at Burncoose. Melicytus crassifolius covered in white berries already in a nursery tunnel. Melicytus crassifolius…

11th January

…up and absurdly premature. Rhododendron stenaulum Nothing showing yet on any of the early flowering Magnolia ‘Lanarth’. 2023 – CHW Planting progresses but the staking is still to do as…

26th February

…magnolia bank at Old Park Views across the magnolia bank at Old Park A decent young Magnolia ‘Caerhays Belle’ below White Styles. Magnolia ‘Caerhays Belle’ Obvious close up hail damage…

9th September

…death in the drought and is now making headway. I guess watering in late June kept it alive. Liriodendron tulipifera ‘Snow Bird’ Secondary flowering on a Magnolia x loebneri which…

12th September

…Amy Whitehouse (look alike) pop concert. The castle The David Austin rose garden has been completely replanted. The David Austin rose garden The David Austin rose garden The new roses…

17th September

…damaged. ominous looking mushrooms ominous looking mushrooms 2018 – CHW I had a moan yesterday about the drought persisting. Just look at these half defoliated, drooping and half dead hydrangeas…

4th August

…Viburnum wrightii Viburnum fordiae – this evergreen species is making good progress and promises to become a large shrub. Native to China. Viburnum fordiae Viburnum fordiae Viburnum hoangliense – a…

27th October

…sasanqua ‘Narumigata’ Good early colours on Metasequoia glyptostroboides. Metasequoia glyptostroboides Three new Sorbus varieties now in stock but no berries to be seen. Sorbus hemsleyanus ‘John Bond’. Very white undersides…

31st October

…Jaimie has uplifted the Pseudopanax laetus near Donkey Shoe beside the ‘White Nun’s’. Pseudopanax laetus The unnamed x williamsii camellias below Tin Garden are always a splendid early show and…