12th October

…sasanqua. Camellia sasanqua Autumn colour on various cercidiphyllums. Cercidiphyllum Cercidiphyllum Cercidiphyllum 2021 – CHW A letter from Duncan Donald with a welcome box of bulbs of Narcissus ‘White Star’ bred

23rd December

…Pinus insignis Pinus insignis Another Rhododendron davidsonianum with secondary flowers. Rhododendron davidsonianum Camellia japonica ‘Alba Simplex’ looking good. The frost has spurred it into flower? Camellia japonica ‘Alba Simplex’ Camellia…

Visit to Tregrehan – 3rd November 2018

…which we avidly collected a few. A smallish shrub with remarkable pink tinged horn like capsules and orange-red seeds hanging below. Unremarkable in flower but startling today with seeds. Euonymus…

24th June

…on Schefflera rhododendrifolia. The plant is now 15 feet tall. Schefflera rhododendrifolia 2023 – CHW The very ancient dark red Azalea indica outside the front door. Azalea indica Below the…

26th December

…were out here in late October. Also, today, I inspected over evergreen Euonymus myrianthus. John’s was covered in yellowy-orange seed pods showing real seeds. Ours dropped long ago. His Schefflera…

April 2018 Irish trip (Day 4)

…walled garden. Burncoose stocked this once and should do so again. Fritillaria imperialis ‘Aurea’ Fritillaria imperialis ‘Aurea’ Fritillaria imperialis ‘Aurea’ Ambrose restored this greenhouse but it is a wreck again…

17th October

…out on our autumn planting. Berberis xanthoclada (NJM 11007) covered in juicy black fruits in the Isla Rose. Berberis xanthoclada Berberis xanthoclada Berberis subacuminata (FMWJ 1329) with fruits also just…

26th June

…walteri (formerly Cornus wilsonii) plastered in flowers across this huge bush which has layered itself several times into the drive bank as it has spread. Cornus wilsonii Cornus wilsonii 2018…

28th June

…the rain has battered today. This clump has now been pictured in flower several times since January. In flower for six months and still going strong. One hell of a…

28th January

…Surprise’ The badly frosted clump of Zantedeschia aethiopica has recovered and is now upright. Zantedeschia aethiopica Most Echium pininana untouched by frost where sheltered from the wind. Echium pininana Unexpectedly…