7th February

…Shoe needs clearing on a quiet day before we open. Storm damage It has narrowly missed Rhododendron veitchianum Group which has absurdly early flowers. Previously Rhododendron cubittii I suspect. Rhododendron…

18th November

…the ridge. Not a bird often seen in the yard although several pairs of pied wagtails nest here every summer living off the flies which the many house martins miss….

23rd February

…Magnolia campbellii seedling Magnolia campbellii seedling Camellia ‘Dr Burnside’ full out. I do not see much difference between this and ‘Miss Charleston’ although the latter flowers later in the season….

31st August

…pieris. I always seem to miss it when full out usually after walking under the tree several times! Crabiodendron yunnanense Crabiodendron yunnanense Crabiodendron yunnanense Rubus ichangensis is still in flower….

16th February

…well worth propagating. Unusual and very early! The other plants in this line flower later and are pink. I have not seen these in flower for decades and missed them…

17th February

…you may well miss the best of them. The Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ outside the Georgian Hall has more flowers than usual but they have been blown open prematurely and are a…

17th December

miss these mature but concealed plants. Perhaps the best thing out in the garden today. Camellia ‘Cornish Snow Michael’ Camellia ‘Cornish Snow Michael’ One of our young Magnolia caveanas in…

8th June

…away as a huge clump. Iris pseudoacorus. Normally I miss this flowering over Chelsea week so it is later than usual this year. Iris pseudoacorus Iris pseudoacorus Iris pseudoacorus The…

28th February

miss what is best in the garden. A westerly gale turns a magnolia from being perfectly out to over in a matter of hours.The true Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ has 11 flowers…

27th July

…chilensis flower stalks. We have missed them and the seeds are setting. Note the size the plants have to be to generate a flower stalk. The seeds we pinched here…