25th May

…New growth on Clerodendron trichotomum. Clerodendron trichotomum Rhododendron ‘Marcel Menard’ Rhododendron ‘Sneezy’ Rhododendron ‘Sneezy’ Clematis montana ‘Grandiflora’ and Wisteria ‘Caroline’. Wisteria floribunda ‘Alba’ and Rosa banksiae ‘Alba Plena’ Then quickly…

1st May

…are being built but the garden is full of surprises.A Wisteria floribunda ‘Rosea’ looking perfect. Wisteria floribunda ‘Rosea’ A hedging Mahonia in full flower with small leaves. Growing to 6-8ft…

19th April

…show a little further on. Quite a show A good dark form of Rhododendron augustinii. Rhododendron augustinii First colour on the ancient Playhouse wisteria. Playhouse wisteria Flower buds just opening…

18th April

…of pink in its creamy-white flowers. Rhododendron hanceanum First flowers showing on the old wisteria which we usually cut for Chelsea in about a month’s time most years. wisteria 2019…

18th June

wisteria You will not see a better display of white wisteria in a yew tree than this! Tiny frogs still much in evidence in the Upper Rockery as I show…

15th April

…entirely inaccurate. Magnolia ‘Banana Split’ Magnolia ‘Apricot Brandy’ with its peculiar buds and aptly named flowers. Magnolia ‘Apricot Brandy’ Magnolia ‘Apricot Brandy’ The first wisteria flowers are starting to open…

12th May

…Rhododendron floccigerum which is being layered. Rhododendron floccigerum Wisteria floribunda ‘Violacea Plena’ (syn. ‘Black Dragon’) just out above the gents loos. Wisteria floribunda ‘Violacea Plena’ 2022 – CHW Why are…

10th May

…its trifoliate leaves. To go out next spring. Mahonia trifolia Berberis hypokeriana with large leaves just in bud. Bought from Nick Macer a year ago. Berberis hypokeriana Wisteria sinensis and…

25th April

…friends Rhododendron ‘Duke of Cornwall’. Rhododendron ‘Duke of Cornwall’ First flowers on the wisteria. First flowers on the wisteria 2022 – CHW A slightly unsatisfactory show at Rosemoor in that…

3rd December

…the Stable Flat. Gutter damage Actinidia deliciosa with good autumn colour by the gents’ loo long after the intertwined wisteria has shed its leaves. Actinidia deliciosa Actinidia deliciosa 2018 –…