20th May

…layer remains of this exceptional form. Rhododendron sinogrande Rhododendron ‘Champagne’ (‘Tortoiseshell Champagne’) – a Slocock hybrid. Rhododendron ‘Champagne’ Rhododendron ‘Champagne’ Rhododendron ‘Fusilier’ Rhododendron ‘Fusilier’ Rhododendron ‘Fusilier’ Rhododendron ‘Golden Torch’ Rhododendron…

16th May

…few weeks ago. Chorizema cordatum Corylopsis spicata ‘Golden Spring’ with its new leaves as wonderful as ever. A difficult plant to get properly established in the garden as I have…

9th December

…flowers. Camellia ‘Nobilissima’ Camellia ‘Nobilissima’ Salix udensis ‘Golden Sunshine’ not bad at all as autumn colour in the sun, although we would normally grow it for spring and summer colour….

29th May

…the house. amaryllis Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Golden Sun’ now in leaf. The leaves are no longer yellow as they were when they first emerged but the bark and young stems are…

16th December

…three more fungi identified (hopefully correctly) by one of the nursery staff: Golden Needle Golden Needle Split Gill Split Gill Turkey Tail Turkey Tail 2020 – CHW First buds opening…

19th December

…Garden still has colourful fruits on the following varieties:- Malus ‘Royal Beauty’ Malus ‘Royal Beauty’ Malus ‘Admiration’ Malus ‘Admiration’ Malus ‘Golden Gem’ Malus ‘Golden Gem’ Malus ‘Red Sentinel’ Malus ‘Red…

31st May

…to Burncoose. Canadian bred I believe. Kalmia latifolia ‘Snowdrift’ Arundo donax ‘Golden Chain’ – far less horrid than the plain green form. Arundo donax ‘Golden Chain’ Rosa cantabriensis – not…

23rd December

…angustifolia Lindera angustifolia First flowers on the irregularly variegated Camellia x williamsii ‘Golden Spangles’. Not a great flower but an unusual leaf contrast. Camellia x williamsii ‘Golden Spangles’ Still a…

19th February

…Sutch x Arboreum – Golden Oriole – R Admiral – well and truly open. Trewidden grafted Grande looking superb. Flower buds on Macabeanum. Mary Williams full out but C noblissima…

11th April

…at the show today. 1901 – JCW Show Day. These were open and at it in good order – Weardale, Glory of Leiden. M plemp, 223, Golden Bell, Victoria, also…