16th March

…Belle’ Rhododendron arboreum subsp. cinnamomeum. Rhododendron arboreum subsp. cinnamomeum Camellia cuspidata now full out. Camellia cuspidata Camellia cuspidata Another young Polyspora suddenly in flower at the top of the bush….

8th January

…the most vigorous and quick growing trees. Nice bark too. Lindera angustifolia Lindera angustifolia Lindera angustifolia Ripe and ripening berries on Ilex perado subsp. perado. Ilex perado subsp. perado Camellia…

14th November

…Meliosma dillenifolia subsp cuneifolia on the other side of the path. Time for Asia to collect them. Meliosma dillenifolia subsp cuneifolia Brilliant red autumn colour on Acer palmatum dissectum ‘Crimson…

14th July

…the nursery but thrive here. Hebe ‘Autumn Glory’ Hebe ‘Autumn Glory’ Myrtus communis subsp tarrentina – just the odd single flower out now. Not much sign of myrtles yesterday at…

16th November

…think. A pale colour and variable mainly semi double flowers. Camellia sasanqua ‘Winter’s Dream’ Berries turning colour now in profusion on Ilex perado subsp. perado. Ilex perado subsp. perado First…

6th February

…‘Bo Peep’ As now is Rhododendron arboreum subsp. cinnamomeum. Rhododendron arboreum subsp. cinnamomeum Absolutely gorgeous scent and full out today at 12-15ft tall is Daphne bholua ‘Jacqueline Postill’. Daphne bholua…

20th November

…x williamsii ‘November Pink’ Still colour on Hydrangea aspera subsp. robusta outside the front gate. What a long laster this is. Hydrangea aspera subsp. robusta The Ginkgo biloba is changing…

29th February

…be produced by Karol. The plant list is attached. Tin Garden Ilex perado subsp. perado laden with ripe red fruits. The best I have ever seen it although a pretty…

16th June

…just showing. Rhododendron maddenii Rhododendron fortunei subsp. discolor just out in the Main Quarry. Rhododendron fortunei subsp. discolor Tropaeolum ciliatum suddenly out in flower on the castle wall. Tropaeolum ciliatum…