25th February

…clearly a seedling hybrid from Narcissus cyclamineus. daffodils daffodils daffodils daffodils daffodils 2020 – CHW The Magnolia campbellii subsp. mollicomata ‘Lanarth’ full out today by the castle. Magnolia campbellii subsp.

12th September

…lists to sort out.Hoya lanceolata subsp. bella in flower. Hoya lanceolata subsp. bella Viburnum x bodnantense ‘Charles Lemont’ out already. Viburnum x bodnantense ‘Charles Lemont’ Tetradium daniellii showing autumn colours….

21st January

…at Burncoose. Arundinaria gigantea (possibly subsp. tecta) – grew as a huge clump with massive tall culms in the Auklandii Garden and flowered and died circa 50 years ago. The…

29th October

…Berries are not usually obvious on Ilex perado subsp. platyphylla but the more upright and older mature plants do have some when you look quite hard. Ilex perado subsp. platyphylla…

26th January

…graft of Magnolia campbellii subsp. mollicomata ‘Lanarth’ which was taken from one of the original wild collected Lanarths growing at the top of the lawn at Lanarth near St Keverne…

5th August

…of Spades’ Hoheria ‘Ace of Spades’ Cotoneaster moupinensis with ripe berries. Cotoneaster moupinensis Rhus sylvestris – another new species. Rhus sylvestris Fraxinus chinensis subsp. rhycophylla. Fraxinus chinensis subsp. rhycophylla Prunus…

24th September

…canariensis ‘Bella’ Isoplexis canariensis ‘Bella’ Still late flowers on Myrtus communis subsp. tarentina. Myrtus communis subsp. tarentina Camellia sasanqua ‘Dazzler’ just out in a tunnel. Camellia sasanqua ‘Dazzler’ 2022 –…

25th January

…species which has grown here for six to seven years below Donkey Shoe. Honey fungus The buds on the New Zealand form of Magnolia mollicomata subsp. Lanarth look unfrosted (thankfully)….

12th November

…takesimense Acer japonicum nearly leafless. Acer japonicum Prunus ‘Horinji’ Prunus ‘Horinji’ Tilia endochrysa turning yellow. Tilia endochrysa Acer sterculiaceum subsp. sterculiaceum not that exciting! Acer sterculiaceum subsp. sterculiaceum More leylandii…

8th April

…CHW Jaimie and Michael visited Tregrehan over Easter weekend and photographed the following:Rhododendron davidii Rhododendron davidii Rhododendron davidii A Magnolia sprengeri from Lei Shan Magnolia sprengeri Acer negundo subsp. mexicanum…