29th July

…‘Honey Angels’ Various watsonia still just out in flower. watsonia watsonia watsonia Crocosmia ‘Pauls Best Yellow’ also full out. Not hugely different to ‘Honey Angels’ in reality. Crocosmia ‘Pauls Best…

29th May

…fine too. This plant needs re-staking yet again. Crataegus laevigata ‘Pauls Scarlet’ Crataegus laevigata ‘Pauls Scarlet’ Rhododendron ‘Lems Monarch’ at its very best. Rhododendron ‘Lems Monarch’ Rhododendron ‘Lems Monarch’ Flower…

30th May

…Crataegus laevigata ‘Pauls Scarlet’ is very fine too but in need (again) of re-staking. I wonder why we never grew this here before? Crataegus laevigata ‘Pauls Scarlet’ Crataegus laevigata ‘Pauls

15th September

‘Pauls Scarlet’ Crataegus laevigata ‘Pauls Scarlet’ 2015 – CHW In the rockery are two more dwarf rhododendrons enjoying a second autumn flowering. Rhododendron ‘Yaku Fairy’ has quite a good show…

23rd May

…They are slow growers. Crataegus ‘Pauls Scarlet’ Nearby is Crataegus ‘Pauls Scarlet’ which has always been one of my favourites. Perhaps the only hawthorn worth growing. I first saw this…

28th July

…Crassula coccinea Banksia ericifolia with its yellow ‘pineapple’ flower – new to me. Banksia ericifolia Banksia ericifolia Olearia argophylla (musk wood) – dullish but a new species to me. Olearia…

5th May

…by 9am to be met by Ed Ikin. 500+ acres of garden so, in three hours, we only really managed some of the Himalayan and Chilean garden plants and a…

A trip to Tregrehan to study Fagacaea

…stocks it. Castanea mollissima Castanea mollissima Castanea mollissima Fraxinus floribunda with huge leaves. Himalayan. Fraxinus floribunda Fraxinus floribunda Fraxinus floribunda Quercus lineata from Burma untouched by the ‘Beast’. Quercus lineata…

Tom Hudson’s Reply – 10th June 2019

…with collecting the seed is that the fruit is a spring rather like Himalayan balsam and the seed flies out when mature. The plant in the garden does have seedlings…

3rd June

…long bank holiday weekend. The Jubilee service at St Pauls served as a backdrop. Styrax japonicus ‘Sohuksan’ (‘Emerald Pagoda’) is, as usual, the first of the styrax to be out…