16th May

…more spreading habit than you expect when you first see it in a pot. Rhododendron ‘Tinkerbird’ Rhododendron ‘Tinkerbird’ Rhododendron ‘Tinkerbird’ A good new bit of layering on Rhododendron griffithianum. layering…

6th May

…than all the other ‘smellies’. A rather spreading habit and here in full tree cover. We lost this twice on the Burncoose drive. Rhododendron ‘Tinkerbird’ Rhododendron ‘Tinkerbird’ Rhododendron ‘Tinkerbird’ A…

15th May

…this for oneself.Very good at Burncoose today were: Escallonia ‘Glowing Embers’ Escallonia ‘Glowing Embers’ Beschorneria calciola Beschorneria calciola Beschorneria calciola Rhododendron ‘Tinkerbird’ Rhododendron ‘Tinkerbird’ Rhododendron ‘Tinkerbird’ Hydrangea ‘Runaway Bride’ Hydrangea…

2nd May

…at Burncoose but lost the plants to frost. The 3 plants here were grown on in a nursery bed before planting out. Planted 2019. Rhododendron ‘Tinkerbird’ Rhododendron ‘Tinkerbird’ 2023 –…