19th February

…break this mould of thought. At the nursery today I enjoyed photographing in the gale: Vinca difformis ‘Jenny Pym’ Vinca difformis ‘Jenny Pym’ Vinca minor ‘Illumination’ Vinca minor ‘Illumination’ Sophora…

1st December

…on Vinca major growing under and through Picea omorika. Once there was a clump of Magnolia grandiflora here which died of cold but the vinca survived. Vinca major Final flowers…

11th November

…the wind and heavy showers filled with hail. Vinca minor ‘La Grave’ Vinca minor ‘La Grave’ Cubby had to go to the vets to be put down today aged only…

22nd February

…americana and Fascicularia A wonderful carpet of Vinca minor ‘Alba’ under a yew tree and behind a wall so it is totally sheltered from the salt spray. Vinca minor ‘Alba’…

7th March

…Hoheria sexstylosa Even the Vinca has snow damage and withering. Vinca 2017 – CHW Another day for the magnolias to do the talking on their own.Another plant of Magnolia campbellii…

1st November

…door for a couple of days. I need to check how this compares to recent years? About seven flowers full out so far. Camellia ‘Noblissima’ Camellia ‘Noblissima’ Vinca major with…

20th July

…Burncoose. The Hemerocallis bed in all its glory. Hemerocallis bed Itea Illicifolia with its enormous tassles. Itea Illicifolia Itea Illicifolia Vinca minor ‘Atropurpurea’ in full flower in July? Vinca minor…

26th February

…the filming A rather pretty bicoloured vinca (which I do not have a name for) at the Heligan garden entrance. bicoloured vinca Then a full out Hardenbergia violacea outside their…

23rd October

…and grandiflora a few nice blooms. PD’s vinca very good by the big wire fence. Some Camellia sasanqua and lapageria. PDW reports that 500 golden plovers have arrived there. 1926…

7th April

…garden centre for varied plants. Picea pungens ‘Edith’ and Vinca minor ‘Verino’. They have an amazing range of agave, Protea and succulents and it is a proper plantsman’s garden centre…