20th September

…bud but is still some way off. Camellia sasanqua (white) 2022 – CHW Vitex agnus castus just out below Slip Rail. It has been in bud for weeks. Vitex agnus…

14th October

…Magnolia delavayi Magnolia delavayi Vitex agnus castus in the sun on a remarkably hot afternoon. Vitex agnus castus Cladrastis kentukea turning yellow early as usual. Cladrastis kentukea Cryptomeria japonica ‘Araucarioides’…

9th October

…I will picture it soon. Lonicera? Lonicera? Vitex agnus castus just out in flower. Vitex agnus castus Vitex agnus castus 2019 – CHW Hydrangea pariscoleta ‘Kyushu’ now a gentle pink…

15th October

…numbers of blue seedpods nearly ripe on Decaisnea fargesii. Decaisnea fargesii Decaisnea fargesii Vitex agnus-castus finally out in flower. Vitex agnus-castus Vitex agnus-castus Colour on the most recent new growth…

4th September

…‘Cottondale’ Vitex agnus castus just out. Our large plant near Slip Rail has still to show. Vitex agnus castus Vitex agnus castus Acer campestre ‘Evenly Red’ showing autumn colour of…

30th September

…might well be voting his way next year. I hope some will revisit us in the spring.Vitex agnus castus only just out in flower. The Americans enjoyed the story about…

4th October

…Malus species Vitex agnus castus – the Chaste Tree now full out in early October and quite splendid when little else is out. Vitex agnus castus Rhododendron pachysanthum dying after…

12th September

…loaded with white berries but only a small growing shrub. Sorbus prattii First flowers now just out on Vitex agnus – castus. Vitex agnus – castus A bigger crop of…

24th September

…in the nursery. Rhaphiolepis indica ‘Springtime’ Vitex agnus-castus in the rare plant tunnel. Vitex agnus-castus Rostrinucula dependens a good show as ever. Rostrinucula dependens Rostrinucula dependens Late flowers on Isoplexis…

12th October

…Ilex latifolia Ilex latifolia Vitex agnus-castus is just producing its pale blue flowers on a young plant, however the pictures I took are completely out of focus! Rather like a…