25th December

…and Rhododendron ‘Winter Intruder’ out together for once. Rhododendron ‘Christmas Cheer’ and Rhododendron ‘Winter Intruder’ Camellia ‘Winton’ and Rhododendron ‘Winter Intruder’ full out. Camellia ‘Winton’ and Rhododendron ‘Winter Intruder’ Camellia…

5th January

…is this late into flower when most things are early? Rhododendron nobleanum Rhododendron ‘Winter Intruder’ just coming out. Late also but not by very much. Rhododendron ‘Winter Intruder’ 2023 –…

31st December

…Rookery. Quite a bright colour on an overcast day but, as yet, unblemished by wind or frost. Rhododendron ‘Winter Intruder’ Rhododendron ‘Winter Intruder’ Rhododendron ‘Winter Intruder’ Alongside it Camellia ‘Winton’…

17th January

…for this species. Still a great show today and unfrosted. Rhododendron nobleanum Rhododendron ‘Winter Intruder’ at its very best and about on time. Rhododendron ‘Winter Intruder’ Rhododendron ‘Christmas Cheer’ hardly…

14th February

…so there is hardly reason to complain! Camellia ‘Sode-gashuki’ 2023 – CHW Rhododendron ‘Christmas Cheer’ was showing on time but rather good today in the sun. Rhododendron ‘Christmas Cheer’ First…

2nd April

…no cold damage at all. Corydalis solida ‘Beth Evans’ Corydalis solida ‘Beth Evans’ Rhododendron ‘Christmas Cheer’ flowering three months late in this peculiar year. Not bad though. Rhododendron ‘Christmas Cheer’…

17th December

…moved here as layers from the Rockery. Older plants flank the nobleanums on the upper side of the drive. Rhododendron ‘Winter Intruder’ Rhododendron ‘Winter Intruder’ Alongside are three rather poor…

6th January

…zahlbruckneri Sorbus zahlbruckneri 2022 – CHW Rhododendron ‘Christmas Cheer’ is a little late again this year. Rhododendron ‘Christmas Cheer’ Rhododendron ‘Christmas Cheer’ The first daffodil this year. daffodil Uplifting and…

4th February

…Rhododendron ‘Winter Intruder’ finally comes out much later than usual. Rhododendron ‘Winter Intruder’ Rhododendron ‘Winter Intruder’ and Camellia ‘Winton’ Rhododendron ‘Winter Intruder’ and Camellia ‘Winton’ A close up of Rhododendron…

24th January

…‘Christmas Cheer’ which was full out. According to the 2008 planting plan it is an FJW hybrid between decorum and ‘Winter Intruder’ which seems improbable. Only one of the three…