3rd October

…hoyas as we stop to film it and its last year’s cuttings which are growing on well. Hoya carnosa Hoya carnosa A large cyclamen corm seems to have been rescued…

23rd August

…Hibiscus moscheutos ‘Starry Starry Night’. Enormous flowers and very reddish leaves. Hibiscus moscheutos ‘Starry Starry Night’ Hibiscus moscheutos ‘Starry Starry Night’ A new catalogue entry is Hoya carnosa ‘Silver Spots’….

18th October

…go to the nursery for sale. Abutilon ‘Orange Hot Lava’ Hoya carnosa in flower in the greenhouse. Hoya carnosa A gift of seed from Raf Lenaerts. This is Vernicia fordii…

2nd July

…Pinus wallichiana A double flowered orange Hemerocallis in the frames which is incorrectly labelled. Hemerocallis Machilus yunnanensis with its reddish new growth. Machilus yunnanensis Asia’s plant of Hoya carnosa is…

16th September

…Hoya carnosa in the greenhouse. Hoya carnosa Our seed grown Puya have moved on from being tiny seedling plugs to decent plants in less than 12 months. Puya No flower…

10th March

…greenhouse. Four different ways to propagate Hoya carnosa tested us a bit when the microphone batteries failed. Hopefully the expletives do not make it into the video clips. In the…