22nd June
…they are exactly as pictured on the IDS website as Q. myrsinifolia and not at all like Q. glabra). Quercus myrsinifolia Quercus myrsinifolia Quercus myrsinifolia These 2 plants have always…
…they are exactly as pictured on the IDS website as Q. myrsinifolia and not at all like Q. glabra). Quercus myrsinifolia Quercus myrsinifolia Quercus myrsinifolia These 2 plants have always…
…Q. myrsinifolia? It looks a little like Q. glauca as myrsinifolia normally has narrower leaves. If you look closely at the underside of the leaf Q. glauca has hairs pressed…
…in the Auklandii Garden. One or two have died and one is reshooting well after tree damage. The rest are in good health. Quercus myrsinifolia Quercus myrsinifolia Quercus myrsinifolia Quercus…
…with a cluster of small and totally unviable and useless acorns even though they are ripe. Lithocarpus pachyphyllus Quercus myrsinifolia has very tiny acorn clusters. They certainly are not ripe…
…myrsinifolia? (This is the oak just by the lower gate post at the entrance to White Styles). Quercus phellos Prunus ‘Snow Showers’ has a wonderful weeping habit and is just…
…1924)Quercus oxyodon (original introduction Wilson 1900)Quercus glauca (original introduction)Quercus gilva (young plant)Quercus myrsinifolia (original introductions)Quercus stenophylloides (small tree from an Allen Coombes collection)Quercus stenophylloides is more or less evergreen but…
…out 15 magnolias and a few rare oaks (including Quercus uvarifolius and Quercus myrsinifolia) and some scented rhodos on the drive. Magnolia ‘Burgundy Star’, a new red flowered hybrid from…