Annual holiday to the Isle of Wight. A few holiday snaps, but generally musing about next year’s Burncoose catalogue, which I always get my teeth stuck into at this time of year.
I had a couple of days of not writing so you will find some nice pictures of the Isle of Wight.
On the quest for photos for the Burncoose Catalogue I visited a couple local nurseries on the 8th and 9th, and Ventnor Gardens on the 10th.

At Osborne House on the 12th, I saw my first cone on the rare conifer Sciadopitys verticellata.

Once back home more pictures were taken. I am a bit worried about our Lithocarpus pachyphyllus, have a look and see what you think.
Lots of Hydrangeas on the 22nd and 23rd to see.
I pose the question is this all worth it on the 26th July and wonder whether I need to make it more controversial!