2nd May

…were superb displays: ‘Douggie Bettridge’ (fortunei x ‘Jalisco’) ‘Douggie Bettridge’ (fortunei x ‘Jalisco’) ‘Charlotte de Rothschild’ (fortunei subsp. discolor x ‘St Keverne’) ‘Charlotte de Rothschild’ (fortunei subsp. discolor x ‘St…

1st March

…six weeks. Rhododendron williamsianum ‘White Form’ Rhododendron williamsianum ‘White Form’ Rhododendron calostrotum subsp riparium Nitens – a dwarf clump forming species with single mauve or purple flowers. Rhododendron calostrotum subsp

9th March

…doltsopa ‘Rusty’ Michelia doltsopa ‘Rusty’ Michelia doltsopa ‘Rusty’ A Magnolia campbellii var. alba seedling glistens in the windy gloom in Old Park. Magnolia campbellii var. alba seedling Rhododendron arboreum subsp.

4th November

…lower branches on this quick growing Acacia cultriformis to give the camellias more room. Acacia cultriformis Hydrangea aspera subsp. robusta still looking good with its long lasting white flower heads….

8th July

…potting 2023 – CHW Seed heads farming on Sorbus gonggashanica maturing early. Sorbus gonggashanica Acer morrisonense also covered with strings of winged seeds. Acer morrisonense Betula utilis subsp. albosinensis ‘China…

18th May

…of flowers I have seen on our young plant. It will get better. Very blue in bud. Magnolia acuminata ‘Seiju’ Magnolia acuminata ‘Seiju’ Acer takesimense (now Acer pseudosieboldianum subsp. takesimense…

2nd June

…Rhododendron maddenii subsp. maddenii – Pink Form. Rhododendron maddenii subsp. maddenii Azalea ‘Denny Pratt Hybrid’. Azalea ‘Denny Pratt Hybrid’ Rhododendron ‘Grierpont’. Rhododendron ‘Grierpont’ Rhododendron ‘Lady Clementine Mitford’. Rhododendron ‘Lady Clementine…

20th March

…Magnolia sprengeri ‘Marwood Spring’ Magnolia sprengeri ‘Marwood Spring’ Wonderful bark on Meliosma simplicifolia subsp. rigida which had flowered for the first time last year but failed to set any seed….

11th March

…and tour today. Rhododendron lutescens and Rhododendron arboreum subsp. delavayi out together by the main quarry. Rhododendron lutescens and Rhododendron arboreum subsp. delavayi Then to Tregrehan and the sight of…

5th June

…Magnolia rostrata at the Trewithen show Hydrangea anomala subsp. anomala on the top wall. Planted in 2015 it is still only about 3-4 feet tall. Hydrangea anomala subsp. anomala I…