23rd October

…related to Zelkova. Totally hardy, a shrubby tree with spine tipped branchlets and small yellowish-green fruits. Introduced from Korea/China in 1908.Also on the Pavia list were up to 50 species…

1st September

…Contoneaster rhytidophyllus Cotoneaster thimphuensis still completely green. Cotoneaster thimphuensis Cotoneaster thimphuensis Cotoneaster hillieri was rated second best in berry last year but only now just turning. We have two plants…

31st March

…An unnamed evergreen symplocos species. Not Symplocos dryophylla but not that different. unnamed evergreen symplocos Rhododendron ‘Red Admiral’ still putting on a good show six to eight weeks after first…

16th May

…but with a few branches reverting to green. Weigela florida ‘Variegata’ Below 4-in-Hand this clump of rhododendrons came from Trewarthenick are were, I am told, bred there. No name! clump…

28th November

…proceeds below Tin Garden. Laurel cutting Neolitsea aff. polycarpa fronts a good display of unnamed Camellia x williamsii. Neolitsea aff. polycarpa Rehderodendron kwangtungense (WWJ 11940) appears to be evergreen? No…

27th November

…‘Leonard Messel’ First flowers on Azalea ‘Hinomayo’ as early as usual. Just the odd branch. Azalea ‘Hinomayo’ Azalea ‘Hinomayo’ Some magnolias still entirely green and in full leaf. Some magnolias…

14th March

…japonica ‘China Doll’ Camellia japonica ‘China Doll’ Magnolia x veitchii above the Green Gate. His was an open pollenated seed from the Chollipo Arboretum in South Korea. Magnolia x veitchii…

17th May

…making a nice clump in Tin Garden. Azalea ‘Greenway’ Azalea ‘Greenway’ Deutzia calycosa ‘Dali’, also in Tin Garden, is quickly making a good sized shrub. Deutzia calycosa ‘Dali’ Deutzia calycosa…

13th March

…decrepid but much new growth and rejuvenation of late. The original 1920(ish) Magnolia campbellii at Tregothnan Acer sempervirens (A. creticum) as a large tree with a semi evergreen habit and…

23rd April

…and recently planted three “white” Greenway at Tin Garden. Azalea ‘Greenway’ Then to Burncoose for staff meetings and photography. With no public in the nursery a KPK carpenter is mending…