9th August

…Eucryphia x nymansensis ‘Nymansay’ on the path to Bramble Field. Eucryphia x nymansensis ‘Nymansay’ Eucryphia x nymansensis ‘Nymansay’ Eucryphia x nymansensis ‘Nymansay’ Secondary flowers on Rhododendron ‘Blue Tit’. Rhododendron ‘Blue

31st October

…tower. Cotoneaster franchetii A few secondary flowers on Ceanothus ‘Trewithen Blue’. Ceanothus ‘Trewithen Blue’ 5 new water butts for collecting and storing water in the garden for the next drought….

16th July

…seen. Viburnum rhytidophyllum A good clump of Hydrangea serrata ‘Bluebird’? Hydrangea serrata ‘Bluebird’ Hydrangea serrata ‘Bluebird’ A large Nyssa sylvatica. Nyssa sylvatica Quercus suber planted by The Princess Alice in…

31st July

…assume? Quercus robur ‘Fastigiata’ Hydrangea ‘Taube’. Hydrangea ‘Taube’ Hydrangea ‘Joseph Banks’ was cut down to the ground last summer but still plenty of flower. Hydrangea ‘Joseph Banks’ Hydrangea ‘Fireworks Blue’….

12th February

…Does not the blue label look great! Gold labels for UK and Ireland trees. Blue labels for Cornish (only) record trees. Kalopanax septemlobus Kalopanax septemlobus Camellia x williamsii ‘Celebration’, the…

14th February

…Helleborus orientalis ‘Annas Red’ Helleborus orientalis ‘Annas Red’ A nice showing of dwarf blue iris in pots too. dwarf blue iris Despite the continuing cold the pace of spring’s arrival…

18th February

…at all convinced. The purple colouring on the new growth looks, perhaps, more like Ilex x meserveae ‘Blue Prince’ or ‘Blue Princess’? holly holly A 50 year old Lithocarpus pachyphyllus…

24th February

…Beast, a fortnight later than last year.The New Zealand form of Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ is a great colour against a blue sky. Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ Jaimie’s Rhododendron ‘Maisie’ has sprung open. Rhododendron…

14th September

…few more new plant entries for 2017: Agastache ‘Blackadder’ is an attractive late flowering dark blue purple. Quite a show in a herbaceous border for September and growing to about…