30th March

…Oriole var Talavera’ shown on Monday. Rhododendron moupinense Rhododendron moupinense Nearby is an elderly surviving clump of Sarcocca hookeriana var dignya. This is the sole survivor from my pre 1992…

4th February

…as at Caerhays despite all the strong gales recently. Magnolia campbellii ‘Strybing White’ Magnolia campbellii ‘Strybing White’ First flower on Rhododendron moupinense on the drive which is all looking very…

1st May

…seen the catkins before standing upright on the stems. Salix moupinense Salix moupinense Salix moupinense Quercus x bushii ‘Seattle Trident’ – simply gorgeous new growth. Quercus x bushii ‘Seattle Trident’…

8th March

…out nearby. A good double. Camellia x williamsii ‘Elsie Jury’ Rhododendron moupinense full out too by the cash point as it is on the drive. Rhododendron moupinense Rhododendron moupinense Rhododendron…

22nd November

…but rain due overnight. The first frosty (or nearly so here) weekend of the autumn.Rhododendron moupinense has one hail battered flower on a 15 to 20 year old plant. Second…

28th January

…Terrace. R moupinense is very good and so is R Ririei. 1928 – JCW Very late year and very poor examples of any of the above plants and for the…

24th January

…a camellia flowering in January but quite a nice large flower. Huge central stamens. Camellia ‘California Sunset’ Camellia ‘California Sunset’ 2017 – CHW First flower on Rhododendron moupinense below Donkey…

20th February

…No Magnolia as in 1913 but Gordonias, some flowers of the early Kobus ½ open.1927 – JCW Heaths fairly good, Rhodo lutescens and moupinense very good. Blood Red hybrids well…

18th February

Moupinense, Sutchuenense, Barbatum, Arboreum hybrids, Erica darleyense are all very nice. 1918 – JCW The following Rhodo’ species are open or show colour – Longistylum – Moupinense – Ciliatum –…

12th March

…full out and fading to white. Rhododendron calophytum Rhododendron calophytum Rhododendron moupinense on Burns Bank. A pinkish rather than pure white form. Rhododendron moupinense 2017 – CHW A drab day…