26th March

…clump. Rhododendron arboreum Rhododendron arboreum Attractive new growth on Salix moupinense. Salix moupinense Salix moupinense A few lower flowers on Magnolia x veitchii ‘Isca’, the white form. The tree is…

6th October

…growth (also from seed via Thomas Methuen-Campbell). Castanopsis eyrie Castanopsis eyrie Castanopsis eyrie Litsea moupinense – another very vigorous new species. Litsea moupinense Litsea moupinense Roedeer nibbling of the fresh…

2nd June

…quickly. Juglans ailanthifolia The undersides of the new leaves on Salix moupinense are silvery. Salix moupinense Salix moupinense Rhododendron catawbiense (or very similar) hidden away at the top of the…

15th March

…with its first flower. The impressive dark pink form of Rhododendron moupinense. Never seen this before. Rhododendron moupinense 2021 – CHW Sunny and still again.The Queen Mother’s 1981 planted Magnolia…

5th March

…the frosted ones. Very resilient indeed! Rhododenron moupinense Rhododenron moupinense Another just discovered storm damage casualty. A beech tree above the greenhouse. Not sure how we all failed to see…

2nd February

…(in heavy rain) on Rhododendron moupinense. Rhododendron moupinense The now dead canes (after flowering) on Chusqua gigantea are on the list to be dug out shortly. Chusqua gigantea The oak…

15th February

…dry to date – not so advanced in flower as 1948. All the Hamamelis species have flowered together. 1948 – CW Rhodo’s praecox, barbatum, argenteum, moupinense, sutchuenense and its hybrids,…

31st January

…late year, Coums open. R praecox by the brown gate is remarkable. No pissardi. The same as 1924 for R moupinense. No Lent Lily. 1924 – JCW The first Daff…

2nd March

…open for a month and R moupinense in some cases, also lutescens and so Thomsonii x Arboreum. The Argenteums are bulging their buds well.1917 – JCW The first Nar cyclamineus…

18th January

…1928. Some Moupinense and Lutescens at their best, Hamamelis still good, also some Rho mucronulatum. Speciosa on wall open at the top wall. Hybrids some covered with flower. Cam reticulata…