10th January

…and miserable big leaved rhododendron nearby. rhododendron Ilex laevigata is a deciduous species with good autumn colour from the Eastern USA. For above the Dog Kennels I think. Supplied by…

17th February

…spell of cold, a fair lot of Barbatum open, Lutescens has had some flower ever since the autumn, Moupinense opening and frosted any bits of colour on anything but Barbatum….

11th February

…hotels and gardens are open for business’ and talk magnolias. Instead he waffled about autumn colours in New England and referred to ‘rhododendrons the size of hotels’. Not quite the…

8th January

…Horrid squirrel damage Lindera angustifolia with fine autumn colour in the sun. Lower down the leaves are still green. Semi-evergreen in Cornwall (as we have seen before) and one of…

22nd July

…other Hydrangea sargentiana have failed in the spring cold after planting last autumn. Hydrangea robusta ‘Tatiana’ now in bud. Hydrangea robusta ‘Tatiana’ Hydrangea heteromalla from Vietnam (HWJ 938) with its…

15th February

…forsythia flowers out. We had some secondary flowering on this plant in the autumn as we saw then. forsythia 2019 – CHW Off to David Knuckey’s funeral at Camborne crematorium….

7th January

…Perhaps a branch or two have sported? Azalea ‘Hoo’ Cyclamen hederifolium foliage has a wonderful marbled appearance. Large clumps all over the bank now but the earlier autumn flowers were…

6th January

…new magnolias Despite all our efforts in the autumn there is still also plenty of tender stuff to go out from this bed in the frames too. tender stuff The…

12th February

…Gold’ – a new one in our catalogue this year. The golden foliage of autumn has faded. Erica x darleyensis ‘Eva Gold’ Erica x darleyensis ‘Eva Gold’ Erica carnea ‘Eva’…

19th July

…CHWThe fruit clusters of Lithocarpus pachyphyllus seed are already much in evidence and what a crop this year! Branches will break under the weight of the seeds by autumn. However…