25th December

…A good flock have been roosting here out of the recently prevailing east wind. droppings Quercus insignis with, as yet, none of the dieback to the late summer/autumn new growth…

17th April

…chartacea flowering for the first time with us in the frames. Clusters of maroon coloured flowers and very pretty indeed. Sausage shaped seed pods last autumn. Holboellia latifolia subsp. chartacea…

24th December

…mild autumn? Rhododendron crassum The layers on Rhododendron suoilenhense are now rooted and starting to grow away strongly. Still a year or two away from being ready to lift and…

Visit to Tregrehan – 5th October

…hodgsonii – magnolia like but too tender for us outdoors. Talauma hodgsonii Lysionotis in full flower in the conservatory. An autumn flowering herbaceous plant but clearly very tender. Lysionotis Mallotus…

29th April

…down the names of the 16 camellias planted in 1977 behind Donkey Shoe that were cut down to reshoot six years ago. Perfect cutting material here for the autumn. Of…

19th May

…Tilia endochrysa Nyssa sinensis (FMW 713122) has exceptional spring new growth as well as autumn colour. Nyssa sinensis Nyssa sinensis Rhododendron polyandrum and Rhododendron crassum are very similar. The difference…

18th May

…‘Metamorphosa’ Autumn 2017 – CHW The cut stuff for the Chelsea stand has been assembled at Burncoose on trolleys to go to London later today. cut stuff for the Chelsea…

9th July

…covered, well into last autumn. No frost to speak of so here it is again. Salvia ‘Hot Lips’ Salvia ‘Hot Lips’ These hemerocallis were a gift to my father 40…

10th March

…return but the magnolias outside the back yard are simply perfect! Magical even. This one is on the mound through the arch. An unnamed seedling between Magnolia campbellii and Magnolia…