7th February

…and the other side seeded furiously last autumn in anticipation of its demise. You can see the red seed stems. A lecturer at the University of York contacted us wanting…

21st July

…Cardiocrinum giganteum 2016 – CHW Trip to Burncoose to photograph more new plants for the 2017 catalogue:Hydrangea ‘Magical Amethyst’ – as its name implies Hydrangea ‘Magical Amethyst’ Hydrangea ‘St Moritzburg’…

5th January

…ferruginea Rhododendron hookeri with the ‘barbs’ on the petioles clearly showing beside the new flower buds. Rhododendron hookeri Wind damage to the late autumn new growth on Quercus insigne. We…

24th November

…arrived from Mallet Court Nursery. Excellent red autumn colour even if it is still in the potting shed. Euonymus carnosus Euonymus carnosus 2021 – CHW A large chestnut has fallen…

23rd June

…undertaken last autumn.Meliosma dilleniifolia subsp. cuneifolia with erect and upright panicles of flowers. I wonder if it is true to name. New Trees now has three subspecies of M. dilleniifolia…

28th July

…of the oak have made a good new planting area for the autumn. new planting area At last after several failures we have at least one Melliodendron xylocarpum going ahead….

27th July

…‘Selma’ Hydrangea ‘Magical Revolution Blue’ a strange and erratic bicolour thing. Hydrangea ‘Magical Revolution Blue’ The best thing in the Burncoose garden today was Hydrangea aspera ‘Villosa Group’ by the…

8th June

…used to have a third male plant here which died so we will not see autumn fruits I fear. Broussonettia papyrifera Broussonettia papyrifera Broussonettia papyrifera Broussonettia papyrifera 2019 – CHW…

7th June

…Gaoligongshan was only planted last autumn. Distinctive leaves and leaf petioles. Populus wilsonii Populus wilsonii Quercus farokoensis (G1691) from Thomas Methuan-Campbell has most attractive new growth which I had not…

12th January

…snow up country. I think that the plants all knew this was coming and hence why, despite the mild autumn, everything is well behind last year. The garden has not…