7th January

…‘China Ruby’ (as it is now called rather than Betula albosinensis) is getting established. The bark matures to coppery red after peeling to reveal creamy white bark flushed grey and…

21st November

…arrivals for the Malus collection. Here is Malus ‘Red Obelisk’. Malus ‘Red Obelisk’ Ilex colchica has arrived from Mallet Court Nursery. A new species for the Ilex collection here. Ilex…

27th October

…in May. Viburnum rhytidophyllum Schefflera rhododendrifolia now well established and growing well. Intricate patterns on the new growth. Schefflera rhododendrifolia Schefflera rhododendrifolia Illicium philippinense with late red new growth. Illicium…

31st August

…already but covered in fruit. Sorbus gonggashanica Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’ x M. ‘Pickard’s Ruby’. Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’ x M. ‘Pickard’s Ruby’ Sorbus wardii with not many berries this year and…

19th July

…(Vicia cracca)? Possibly Genista tinctoria? Possibly Genista tinctoria Tufted vetch and red campion (Silene dioica). Tufted vetch and red campion I think this is hedge bedstraw in full flower –…

12th August

…Countryside Stewardship Scheme. Wonderful wild flower meadows Wonderful wild flower meadows The red/ pink flowered Magnolia delavayi below the Kitchen Garden. Magnolia delavayi The second grass cut of the Malus…

9th August

…dahlia species which flowered eventually last December had seemed dead but has suddenly reshot from the base. Mexican dahlia species As we feared many clumps of agapanthus were nearly killed…

9th April

…himalaicus is a rare, tender and slower growing species. This one has, so far, been spared by the deer which have devoured other species. Stachyurus himalaicus Stachyurus himalaicus Azalea stenopetalum…

24th November

…regeneration has not occurred. natural regeneration natural regeneration natural regeneration natural regeneration Seed heads on Daphniphyllum oldhamii (CWJ 1235) which we have not seen before. Daphniphyllum oldhamii (CWJ 1235) Daphniphyllum…

23rd July

…crispatus ‘Warley Rose’ The “weeds” have gone from the Olive avenue but then you see the Echium clumps that have flowered and will now die. The “weeds” have gone The…