21st May

…leveillei Euptelia polyandra with its first set of new growth. Planted out last autumn. Euptelia polyandra Aesculus glaucescens (x neglecta is its revised name) is now a decent tree. Aesculus…

23rd May

…believe this is Quercus affinis although I thought it was Quercus castanifolia when looking at the spiny acorns cups last autumn. Quercus affinis This is labelled Quercus monimotricha (90-0250) but…

26th March

…Lindera lancei (BSWJ 1118) flowering here for the first time after planting last autumn. Leaves with the flowers. Lindera lancei (BSWJ 1118) Lindera lancei (BSWJ 1118) Magnolia ‘Sprite Rite’ one…

13th December

…as this but we did see flowers out on it last December. Verbena bonariensis Seed heads and autumn colour on another clump of Hedychium. The pheasants have attacked the stems…

23rd December

autumn. Weather did not really break until beginning of December – Camellias on time especially November Pink. 1974 – FJW Camellias have been late. Rhodo’s early – Nobleanum, Pink hybrid…

24th March

…us: Coprosma ‘Autumn Orange’ Coprosma grandiflora Melicytus crassifolius Melicytus obovata Myrsine aquilonia Pittosporum michei Metrosideros ‘Mistral’ Aristolochia delavayi Schinus latifolius Schinus latifolius A few white berries left on Melicytus crassifolius….

23rd March

…one had secondary flowers in the autumn. Magnolia ‘Yakeo’ The best magnolia in the garden today is ‘Star Wars’ which is a better (less muddy) colour this year than usual….

31st May

…know we have this as an original plant too. Must check the autumn colour. Perhaps Azalea ‘Cecile’? Perhaps Azalea ‘Cecile’? One azalea by the tower. Perhaps ‘Cecile’ planted 25 to…

19th June

…plant out in the autumn. Vaccinum retusum Maurice Foster gave us this startlingly good hydrangea in March but we have lost the label (or it never had one). I will…

30th May

…this in the last 2 years. birdbath full of water 2023 – CHW To the greenhouses to look at the new acquisitions to plant out in the autumn and new…