14th May

…folgneri ‘Emiel’ has a startling white underside to its leaves and as pretty a flower as it has berries as we saw last autumn. Sorbus folgneri ‘Emiel’ Sorbus folgneri ‘Emiel’…

13th May

…However it tried to flower last autumn and is now definitely dead as you can see. One for the digger. Magnolia ‘Copeland Court’ Magnolia ‘Copeland Court’ Magnolia fraseri var. pyramidata…

28th April

…williamsianum x Rhododendron decorum Picrasma quassioides coming into leaf. A Chinese/Japanese small, ornamental, hardy tree with good autumn colour. Picrasma quassioides Magnolia ‘Honey Liz’ just out with buds to come….

25th April

…years ago. At Windsor Great Park they make much use of this in the landscape and in avenues. Good autumn colour too. So we have planted quite a few Amelanchier…

1st February

…of smaller things to pot on which will quickly fill the space. I prefer not to plant out more tender things, and especially evergreens, in the autumn. outside beds Viburnum…

20th August

…(pre) autumn secondary flowering. Rhododendrnon ‘Blue Tit’ Magnolia ‘Wim Rutten’. Magnolia ‘Wim Rutten’ Magnolia ‘Apollo’ with a flower more or less identical to its spring showing. Magnolia ‘Apollo’ Calocedrus macrolepis…

Visit to Tregrehan – 5th October

…hodgsonii – magnolia like but too tender for us outdoors. Talauma hodgsonii Lysionotis in full flower in the conservatory. An autumn flowering herbaceous plant but clearly very tender. Lysionotis Mallotus…

18th March

…verticellata Liquidamber styraciflua ‘Oconee’ still has the odd leaf left. You can now see what an odd habit this tree has after last autumn’s explosion of colour in a ‘ball’….

23rd December

autumn. Weather did not really break until beginning of December – Camellias on time especially November Pink. 1974 – FJW Camellias have been late. Rhodo’s early – Nobleanum, Pink hybrid…

10th December

…an evergreen. All the other Carpinus species in Kennel Close have now shed their leaves. Carpinus rankanensis What a special colour the autumn show is on Glyptostrobus pensilis ‘Woolly Mammoth’….