10th February

…very sheltered spot at the top of the garden. Sophora microphylla ‘Sun King’ Sophora microphylla ‘Sun King’ A few more frosted flowers on Magnolia campbellii ‘Strybing White’. ‘Dog shit on…

27th August

…sinogrande with minimal new growth. Rhodendron sinogrande Virtually leafless Sophora ‘Sun King’. Probably dead. Sophora ‘Sun King’ Sophora ‘Sun King’ Ligustrum confusum has shed nearly all its seed head in…

17th November

King’ ‘Crimson King’ ‘Marie Steiner’ ‘Marie Steiner’ ‘Marie Steiner’ ‘Showa-no-sake’ ‘Showa-no-sake’ ‘Showa-no-sake’ ‘Showa-no-sake’ ‘Showa-no-sake’ ‘Yoimachi’ ‘Yoimachi’ ‘Yoimachi’ ‘Misty Morn’ – a good one! ‘Misty Morn’ ‘Misty Morn’ ‘Misty Morn’ ‘Yuletide’…

2nd April

…acer. Rhododendron calophytum Rhododendron loderi ‘King George’ just coming out and a bit early. No scent yet. Rhododendron loderi ‘King George’ Rhododendron loderi ‘King George’ First flowers showing colour on…

28th June

…dull squirrel meeting in the scorching heat. Acer platanoides ‘Crimson King’ Acer platanoides ‘Crimson King’ 2017 – CHW Gentle rain all day which is just what the garden needed. It…

29th December

…plant is well protected at the top of the garden. Sophora japonica ‘Sun King’ Sophora japonica ‘Sun King’ First flower on Camellia ‘Salutation’ (Camellia reticulata x Camellia saluenensis) which was…

27th March

…(Narcissi) King A open. 1907 – JCW Well ahead of 1900, 1901, 1902 and 1904. Citron is opening. Monarch open and nearly all King A. 1904 – JCW Picked a…

1st June

…‘Gwilt King’ Rhododendron ‘Gwilt King’ The double flowered Rhododendron fastuosum ‘Flore Pleno’. Rhododendron fastuosum ‘Flore Pleno’ Our own bred Rhododendron ‘Penvose’ named after an estate farm (as are several others)….

31st May

…of the new clumps in Kennel Close to flower. I have missed the others during Chelsea. Azalea ‘Orange King’ Azalea ‘Orange King’ A rogue Rhododendron ponticum is suddenly visible opposite…

4th October

…plant seen recently which had secondary flowers. Ilex cornuta Ilex cornuta Ilex cornuta Ilex kingiana with berries just about to turn colour. Laden as usual. Ilex kingiana Ilex kingiana A…