7th July

…JCW Eriogonums and Griersonianum are excellent. Fuschias opening. American Pillar good. Maddeni flowers very fine. Styrax japonica just open. No Auriculatums open. 1924 – JCW Some Auriculatums hybrids are opening….

16th July

…been very hot and dry for 3 weeks. Double pink Camellias by lodge both still have flowers also Kimberley. Still some Griersonianum, Phis and Eriogynum beginning. Big Maddeni in quarry…

11th August

…a few flowers. Magnolia delavayi and both grandiflora good. 1948 – CW Lapageria has been out a day, Eucryphia pinnatifolia going over. Nymansii good. All the pink Griersonianum and Eriogynum…

11th July

…Styrax hybrid promises to be good now. Griersonianum not over yet. Papa Goultier good. 1905 – JCW Returned from a month in Scotland. Roses going over but yet good, The…

10th July

…Only a few Giganteum but they are good. Late rhodo’s remain. Late Plagianthus are hardly open. Griersonianum nice yet and so Eriogynum. There has been a lot of rain on…

1st April

…at the Cornwall Garden Society show at Wadebridge next weekend.Dad’s last (dark red) rhododendron hybrid. Sadly unnamed. I must look up the parentage or ask Jaimie. A Rhododendron griersonianum hybrid…

18th June

…of 2 weeks duration. Newly planted stuff showing signs of thirst. 1949 – CW Cornwall County Garden Produce Assoc, some hundreds say 400 went round. Orbiculari, Griersonianum all good also…

23rd June

…Lodge are in flower. 1924 – JCW R griersonianum, R maddeni, Harrow hybrids are all good. Styrax hemsleyanus comes on fast. 1920 – JCW Ten days earlier than the above….

21st June

…x, eriogynum, griersonianum, weyrichii, orbiculare, Tally Ho x Elliotii, stamineum, hypoglaucum, floccigerum, apodectum, didymum x, pink decorum x, venator, wilsons fortunei ( in quarry), the latter outstanding with Discolor in…

7th May

…exceptionally well. Taiwanese form of Trochodendron aralioides Taiwanese form of Trochodendron aralioides Taiwanese form of Trochodendron aralioides My grandfather (A M Williams) bred this griersonianum cross called Rhododendron ‘May Day’….