Visit to Tregrehan – 5th October

…fragrans var. aurantiacus – the yellow/orange form rather than the white flowering one. Growing here in the greenhouse and tenderish but a large shrub or small tree with sweet scent….

23rd May

…‘Topaz’ – absolutely stunning although its foliage often looks a bit chloritic. Pink in bud opening to a huge white scented flower. Caragana arborescens ‘Walker’ Caragana arborescens ‘Walker’ Nearby I…

1st October

…2014. Amazing growth rate! Eucalyptus mannifera var praecox Eucalyptus mannifera var praecox Eucalyptus mannifera var praecox 1999 – FJW Wet but warm September. Sasanqua both pink and white well out….

24th December

…– FJW 10 degrees frost beginning of cold spell and easterly gales. 1941 – CW Camellias out – oleifera, double white (Engine House), and a few speciosa hybrids. Cam sasanqua…

3rd October

…into flower than I remember. Camellia sinensis Camellia sinensis Camellia sasanqua ‘Variegata’ not only has gently variegated leaves but also flowers that are a contrasting white and pink. An attractive…

A trip to Tregrehan to study Fagacaea

…variolosus Quercus guyavifolia from Yunnan. Asia has some cuttings. Wonderful white indumentum under the leaves. Quercus guyavifolia Quercus guyavifolia Quercus guyavifolia Pterostyrax psilophyllus (lavellei) setting seed. Three lobes at the…

9th October

…held it back no doubt. Rhododendron ‘Tally Ho’ A good flowering on Rhus chinensis especially low down this year. White flower plumes. Rhus chinensis Rhus chinensis Tilia tuan var. chenmoui…

10th October

…group of Barbatum about dead. White Sasanqua by stables nearly over, others well out. One Decorum out and a nice bit of Repens, also a lot of Yellow Hammer. All…

21st December

…bud to come. Fuchsia exorticatica Fuchsia exorticatica Fuchsia exorticatica Passiflora caerulea ‘Constance Elliot’ still to come out. Passiflora caerulea ‘Constance Elliot’ Symphiocarpus albus with a fine show of white berries…

21st June

…pink form is always later than the similarly ancient and more common pure white ones. Asia must try this from seed to preserve what is such an exceptional late flowering…