April 2024 Ireland Trip (Day 4)

…impressive bark and much older than you would expect. Eucalyptus urnigera The view down the slope – herbaceous borders recently split and redug. The view down the slope Banksia marginata…

16th December

…three more fungi identified (hopefully correctly) by one of the nursery staff: Golden Needle Golden Needle Split Gill Split Gill Turkey Tail Turkey Tail 2020 – CHW First buds opening…

18th April

…of the shots behind the scenes for exactly this reason.Now that we see the ethnic split of deaths, particularly in America, I can see this as being one of the…

6th March

…label has split so I cannot yet see where it came from but I can guess! Magnolia campbellii ‘Alba’ Acacia cultriformis now perfectly out by the former playhouse. Acacia cultriformis…

15th July

…with ripening pinkish fruits outside the front gate. One or two appear to have split in the recent heat. A hell of a crop to collect in a month or…

29th August

…in dappled shade on a hottish bank. Sinowilsonia henryi Sinowilsonia henryi Jaimie has split the Hedychium gardnerianum clumps by the Playhouse and planted groups around and about in the garden….

2nd July

…stems. Maclura pomifera Maclura pomifera Arbutus x alapensis – champion tree of the ‘Texas madrone’. Superb bark just starting to split lower down near ground level. Visitors have carved graffiti…

11th February

…that a huge beech tree above the sales area split in half in a squall yesterday leaving a precarious second half dancing in the wind. No access to the garden…

18th November

…of Triumph’. A 25 year old plant with 15 or so huge seed pods which were just starting to split open but still had their seeds inside. The plant is…

28th October

…Stewartia rostrata have dried and split open in the recent warm spell. Stewartia rostrata Stewartia rostrata The gales took away all the autumn colour on Acer palmatum ‘Osakasuki’ leaving just…