30th March

…answer a tricky question. Magnolia soulangeana and Magnolia lilliflora nigra and their various hybrids exhibit this characteristic. Magnolia ‘March-till-Frost’, and Magnolia ‘Star Wars’ are perhaps the best examples but the…

3rd July

…say 2500. 1899 – JCW Nigra up to 18 ft 3 in. Finished sowing daff seed, except Recurvas, from spores coming ripe. 1897 – JCW The water lilies very well…

1st July

…London after 3 weeks absence. Many Henonis [bamboo] only half grown, Nigra the same, waterlilies well on, no Nitida moving yet. Some of the tree ferns have only lately started,…

13th August

…scabious nearby. Knautia arvensis Moth on greater knapweed. A different seed head to our Centaurea nigra. This is Centaurea scabiosa with brown hairs surrounding the scales on the seedpod. Centaurea…

11th April

…neat plant hidden within azaleas. The cross is Magnolia liliiflora ‘Nigra’ x Magnolia stellata ‘Rosea’. A wonderful plant for a small garden or even a pot. Magnolia ‘George Henry Kern’…

22nd October

…also some Cornish Scarlet and a lot of Yellow Hammer – Sasanqua in full flower on wall. Mag delavayi and grandiflora both have flowers, also Nigra and Conpsicua. 1934 –…

2nd April

…Jury’). Magnolia ‘Rebecca’s Perfume’ Things now improve on the trip with some other magnolias springing out in the last 48 hours of east wind.Magnolia ‘Lili Diva’ (Magnolia liliiflora ‘Nigra’ x…

18th October

…Cyclamen good. 1947 – CW Eat the last peaches. Still much too dry. 1941 – CW Six Magnolias out. Both forms of Grandiflora, Nigra, Conspicua, Salicifolia and many Delavayi. Rho…

26th June

…got the black stems of Hydrangea ‘Nigra’ so I suppose the best guess at a name might be Hydrangea ‘Benelux’. However, even then, the shape of the florets is different….

6th May

…year old Japanese ones are flowering. Magnolia kobus is very good. Several hybrids are well open i.e nigra, Brozzoni, alba, superba and speciosa etc. Falconeri is just opening. Auklandii is…