13th August

Double’ and Podocarpus totara. Thalictrum delavayi ‘Hewitt’s Double’ and Podocarpus totara Geranium ‘Rozanne’ and Geranium ‘Wargrave Pink’. Geranium ‘Rozanne’ and Geranium ‘Wargrave Pink’ Papaver rupifragum ‘Flore Pleno’ and Sedum ‘Purple…

1st April

…trailing green. Laurelia serrata Kerrya japonica ‘Pleniflora’ (‘Flore Pleno’), the double flowered form which we used to stock at Burncoose and should do again. It used to be a popular…

2nd April

…Just as in 1924 only the double sloe has less flower. Blood red Auklandii very fair and the whites starting. The Melianthera is the best thing at the place. 1924…

6th April

…the class for 3 sprays:- Magnolia ‘Apricot Brandy’. Magnolia ‘Apricot Brandy’ Magnolia ‘Lemon Star’. Magnolia ‘Lemon Star Magnolia ‘Peachy’. Magnolia ‘Peachy’ Magnolia ‘Limelight’ (the spare one). Magnolia ‘Limelight’ And our…

7th April

…today. This is not a Matsumae variety which Burncoose sells – unfortunately. Prunus matsumae ‘Hanaguruma’ Magnolia ‘Peachy’ just out but only a few flowers as yet. Magnolia ‘Peachy’ 2021 –…

10th April

…time flowering for us of Magnolia ‘Sunset Twirl’. A bit like ‘Peachy’ or ‘Peaches and Cream’ but arguably better. We bought this from Cherry Tree Nursery two or three years…

13th July

…also appeared to have had an excellent spring. Not much stock left at all. Alcea ‘Celebrities Carmine Rose’ and two other double flowered holyhocks. Lizzie is keen for a purchase…

16th November

…think. A pale colour and variable mainly semi double flowers. Camellia sasanqua ‘Winter’s Dream’ Berries turning colour now in profusion on Ilex perado subsp. perado. Ilex perado subsp. perado First…

12th February

…with the garden opening on Sunday. I am always amazed that this double trunked Cryptomeria japonica stays upright in an east wind. Plenty of twig debris on the ground. Cryptomeria…

5th February

…nursery and camellias out above the wall all the way along. lichen lichen The double flowered form of Sparmannia africana in full flower. A bit of genuine ‘diversity’ here. Sparmannia…