20th May

…Banks. Rhododendron yakushimanum Enkianthus campanulatus ‘Red Velvet’ out on Burns Bank. Enkianthus campanulatus ‘Red Velvet’ Acer pycnanthum – a dullish rarity. The Japanese counterpart to the North American Acer rubrum…

18th March

…exciting but making a show despite hail damage. It is an American bred plant with the cross with Magnolia cylindrica being unknown. Not a lot of difference between ‘Angelica’ or…

2nd June

…in previous years as a separate set of American bred hybrids. No names sadly but they are very different in texture/colour and flowering time to all the others on the…

19th March

…sinogrande Rhododendron sinogrande Very early flower on Embothrium coccineum. Embothrium coccineum Magnolia ‘Marj Grossler’ – an American hybrid was superb. We eventually found it in the reference books as from…

5th May

…Himalayan and Chilean garden plants and a few of the New Zealanders. Much talk of change and ripping up the past to create new things. An American prairie with bison…

26th May

…or Rhododendron bakeri hybrids. In so far as they were called anything my father referred to them as American azalea hybrids. If this (or similar US rhodo species) are the…

6th May

…species and not an American Halesia? Halesia macgregorii Good bronze leaves emerging on Hydrangea aspera ‘Hot Chocolate’. This is our second attempt at the start of the Sinogrande Walk. The…

31st July

…long HOT spell. Winter corn good, spring poor in comparison. 1931 – JCW American Pillars over. Schizophragma on the Laundry wall is most remarkable. Some fuchsias are nice but they…