13th May

…of flowers this year and showing up well which azaras generally do not – smell aside! Actually it might be Azara serrata but I forgot to inspect the underside of…

Tom Hudson – Camellia cuspidata saga!

…propagation. The leaf formation is very different from what we saw at Trewithen as is the flower which is globular in bud. Leaves are serrated, rippled and much larger. I…

30th July

…us originally by Roy Lancaster) Forsythia mandschurica (no idea but dwarf?) Hydrangea serratifolia (as at Tregothnan – climber) Polyspora axillaris (see early February for pictures) Torreya nuncifera (endangered in the…

26th July

…flower. Ehretia dicksonii Ehretia thyrsiflora (now Ehretia acuminata apparently) with developed and serrated leaves which do seem a bit like the other species. Purple new growth as we have seen…

23rd February

…tsai Camellia tsai Camellia lapidea is another dullish species in flower but with highly serrated leaves. Camellia lapidea Camellia lapidea Camellia lapidea This is the true Camellia lutchuensis which is…

20th February

…Conifer Cyclocarya paliuris: Fruit like Peterocarya – renamed Deutzia sp. ‘Black Eyed Susan’: Unidentified. Exceptional. Hydrangea involucrata ‘Chichibu’ Hydrangea macrophylla subsp. stylosa Hydrangea serrata: Blue ex White House Farm Larix…

19th February

…frosted to mush in some instances. Magnolia ‘Plum Pudding’ Camellia trachocarpa with its first bulbous and odd flower buds in the greenhouse. Serrated leaves. Camellia trachocarpa Camellia trachocarpa Frankie has…

6th July

…Lights’ – excellent new growth Osmanthus heterophyllus ‘Party Lights’ Photinia fraseri ‘Magical Volcano’ – silly selling name but much better than ‘Red Robin’ and on a par with Photinia serratifolia…

A trip to Tregrehan to study Fagacaea

…fissuring bark. Quercus leucotricarpa Quercus leucotricarpa Quercus tungmaiensis – odd serrated leaves. Quercus tungmaiensis Quercus tungmaiensis Quercus candicans which is probably too tender to grow well outside Cornwall. We have…

30th October

…to flower. A large upright bush. Camellia sasanqua Camellia sasanqua The earlier into flower white sasanqua has a much more drooping habit and longer more pointed and more serrated leaves….