6th April

…as in 1924 two of Wilson’s denudata are showing flowers, one is pink like the mother and the other is a pinkish white. Lutescens is good again after one knock…

15th March

…opened yesterday. The following Rhodo’n species open or show colour – barbatum, davidii, sutchuenense, moupinense, scabrifolium, lutescens, argeteum, arboreum, irroratum (only just), mucronulatum. Cerasus conradinae just opening. 1914 – JCW…

21st October

…lovely maple in the Drive. 1913 – JCW Camellia sasanqua started a week ago, R lutescens is opening. Various R auriculatums, R primulinum, bits of R racemosum etc. Berberis bealei…

29th November

…The autumn cherry at the quarry is in flower. An evergreen magnolia or two. Rho lutescens shows colour. 1924 – JCW The same as above. C sasanqua are poor, too…

2nd January

…speciosa is frosted. Moupinense and Lutescens have shown colour for a month or thereabouts. Have seen one snowdrop. 1926 – JCW Hamamelis mollis is very fine indeed otherwise just as…

26th April

…rhodo’ in flower: fastigiatum +,intricatum + , Williamsianum +, campylocarpum, thomsoni +x, lutescens +, fargesii + -,caucasicum (2 forms of yellow) +, sinovirgatum +, neriiflorum +, argenteum + -, Sir…

1st March

…several frosty nights, a very late daffodil year. R lutescens is very good in several places. Only one daffodil in all 4 gardens with a bloom nearly open. 1932 –…

4th March

…Tin Garden, Lent Lily moves, Rho lutescens very good in spite of sharp frost. 1910 – JCW Just about 1908 for daffs, Arboreums coming on, Rho praecox over, heaths becoming…

6th March

…– CHW Showers and brief sunny periods. Rhododendron Golden Orieole var ‘Talavera’ is a Caerhays hybrid between Rhododendron moupinense and Rhododendron lutescens. Short lived and not hugely floriferous but it…

27th September

…haematodes, R cuneatum, R ravurn, R lutescens, R hanceanum, R dichroanthum, R websterianum, R fastigiatum, R oreotrephes, R saluense, R hippophaeoides, R scintillans, R telmatium, R impeditum, R decorum, R…