3rd August

…– CHW The variegated leaved Buddleia ‘Harlequin’ has largely reverted to ‘Royal Red’ above the top wall but is still a magnet for butterflies. Many flowers are already over but…

1st January

…flower and show all around the Four in Hand. snowdrops First flowers on Camellia ‘Debbie’ below the fernery. Camellia ‘Debbie’ Similarly the first flush on Camellia x williamsii ‘Golden Spangles’…

10th May

…Aralia foliosa putting on massive growth – horrid prickles! Aralia foliosa Aralia foliosa Aralia foliosa Magnolia obovata ‘Pink Flush’ in bud and already scented. Magnolia obovata ‘Pink Flush’ Magnolia x…

18th June

Flush’ still flowering away a month after the first flowers. Magnolia obovata ‘Pink Flush’ Azalea ‘Western Lights’ still good above Bond Street. Azalea ‘Western Lights’ 2020 – CHW One new…

29th November

…Glyptostrobus pensilis ‘Wooly Mammoth’ Glyptostrobus pensilis ‘Wooly Mammoth’ Glyptostrobus pensilis ‘Wooly Mammoth’ Magnolia obovata ‘Pink Flush’ has come on a lot in a week! Magnolia obovata ‘Pink Flush’ And the…

1st May

…‘Melina’ Rhododendron ‘Temple Belle’, a williamsianum hybrid which we obtained as cuttings from just inside the gate of the Chinese garden at Werrington. Rhododendron ‘Temple Belle’ Magnolia ‘Hot Flush’ as…

13th November

…gather on Wednesday. Cotoneaster ‘Inchmery’ Shrivelled blue/black seedpods on Decaisnea fargesii. Decaisnea fargesii The leaf on Magnolia obovata ‘Pink Flush’ is just turning. Magnolia obovata ‘Pink Flush’ Acer palmatum ‘Scolopendriifolium’…

24th September

…of new white flowers alongside the faded flush of its first performance. Hydrangea ‘Madame E Mouilliere’ Hydrangea ‘Hobella’ too has a secondary flush of flowers as a result of the…

31st October

…the old plant featured last week this one has a full flush of dark flowers. You might argue that this is not a second flowering but actually an early flowering….

17th October

…FJW During night major 15/16 great storm hit London and Kent – Kew very badly damaged and Royal Parks. 1927 – JCW Not so many rhodo’s as in 1917. Hoheria…